गर्मी अपनी उत्कर्ष से भी और उपर जा रही है मानो, कसम खा रखा है, तमाम थर्मामिटरों को तोडे बिना निचे न उतरने की । हवा इधर आने का मन नहीं कर...
Before switching off Light
Hushed dark Feeling walls With hands of winds Is groping its passage Into the house. Light Jumping out of window Is staring the dark From...
बच्चे / सुमन पोखरेल
तोडना चाहने मात्र से भी उनके कोमल हाथों पे खुद ही आ जाते हैँ फूल डाली से, उनके नन्हे पाँव से कुचल जाने पे आजीवन खुद को धिक्कारते हैँ...
My eyes are upon the trees. For, trees do not live in fragments. till they fall, they stand flanked by life in its own embrace. In...
By taking myself out of the eyes stuck in letters the dreams filled with intelligence and the heart soaked with the soul's sensitivity; I...
Commands- you're sure to hear from above if you're placed down below. don't turn right – don't turn left. have a dagger about you – stay...
Among freed Bonded-labourers¨
I could not say which one was more authentic, their fate or the slender woody sticks that supported their shacks. I didn’t understand...
यो सहर कसको हो ? / सुमन पोखरेल
बसाइँ सरेर आएका सुन्दर कञ्चन गाउँहरू थुप्रिएर प्रलयकारी बाढीजस्तो सहर बनिएको हेरिरहेको थिएँ। धुले सडकमा खेल्दाखैल्दैको आफूलार्इ हुर्किँदै...