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“Every morning, I wake up with the news of bloodshed. I feel my body desperate to know whether I’m still alive.”

- Suman Pokhrel


Suman Pokhrel is a multilingual Nepali poet, lyricist and translator, as well as a playwright and an artist. His works are widely published and acclaimed.


Suman Pokhrel’s poems in English and English translation have appeared in various international poetry journals and anthologies including Snow Jewel, Song We Share, Grey Sparrow, Sweet and Sour Dreams, Global Poetry and in different volumes of Beyond Borders and Art of Being Human among other. Besides English, his poems are translated into Arabic, Bengali, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Maithili, Odhia, Persian, Sanskrit, Spanish and Urdu and are published from different locations.

Pokhrel's lyrics are marked for their musical qualities and literary verve. Like his poetry, his lyrics and plays have also flown across the borders. A Bharat Natyam recital in his lyrics was performed in his lyrics during the Drive East Festival in New York, recently. His play Yajnaseni based on Draupadi, one of the lead characters from the famous Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, was premiered in Irving Arts Center, Dallas, Texas, United States in 2016 and was staged in cities of India. Tribhuvan University and Purwanchal University in Nepal have included Pokhrel’s poetry in their syllabus of language literature study.


Pokhrel has translated a huge amount of works of other poets and writers between different language pairs. He has translated an uncountable numbers of poems of poets from across the countries into Nepali. He has two books of translated works and one more is due to release by the end of this year. Pokhrel has also translated William Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’ into Nepali.


His translation of poetry of many Nepali poets in English are published in Asian Signature, Poetic Prism, Prachya Review, The Ofi Press Magazine, Learning and Creativity and Nepali Kalasahitya Dot Com among other. Beside into English, he has translated works of several poets and writers into Hindi and Urdu.


Suman Pokhrel is considered as one of the major creative voices of South Asia and is awarded with SAARC Literary Award in 2013 and 2015.

This site contains a few of his works. Enter to have a look.

© Suman Pokhrel 2022

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