News / Dinesh Adhikari
Yesterday, as well as the day before yesterday and further earlier that day and today also, news of killing of too many innocent people...
Picture of Mona Lisa / Manju Kanchuli
I am smiling on half of my eyes while, am crying on the other half I am satiated at half of my heart while, am hungry at the other half...
A Sculptor / Jeevan Acharya
While visiting artifacts around many sculptures I praised those hands. I searched for that brain, that body, or that artist. One of the...
A Piece of Cloud and My Dream / Krishna Pakhrin
When I see you I find you landed above the hill by bending like a piece of sky akin to a folks of thirsty spilornis and getting yourself...
Along the Bank of Word / Abhi Subedi
At night, how much tears did flow I knew not; after hearing the swish of morning’s river, I, hurriedly, ran along the bank of word to...
Me, a Poet / Haribhakta Katwal
After the impatience of searching for the own self my heart, a victim of dull frailty of losing it does not want to think poetry, at this...
Arrangements for Departure / Ishwar Ballav
Like a few good men birds were getting together on branches of trees. today, the eastern breeze has not blown so far and even one...
Antes de Apagar la luz / Suman Pokhrel
Oscuridad silenciosa paredes sensibles con las manos del viento buscando están a tientas su paso dentro de la casa. Menudo ...