काठमान्डू की धूप / अभि सुवेदी
काठमान्डू अपने अनेक धूप और अनेक मूहँ से बोलता है। पथ्थर के वाणी पे तरासा हुवा मन से काठमान्डू अपना प्राचीन मूहँ खोल सैलानियोँ से...
Along the Bank of Word / Abhi Subedi
At night, how much tears did flow I knew not; after hearing the swish of morning’s river, I, hurriedly, ran along the bank of word to...
ابھی کھیلنا باکی ہے \ ابھی سبیدی
لگاتا ہے شب بھر مے کسی نے کرید دیا ہے آفتاب کو . جانے کیوں آج سحر ہوتے ہوتےکسی نے سورج کو راستے پے جمے پانی مے پھینک دیا. کہتے ہیں یہ تو...
May I not see Dreams / Suman Pokhrel
May I get so drunk that I forgot even my own self and did not see any dreams this night! May I not see dream each night like the tousled...
Before Buddha's Statue in the Rain / Suman Pokhrel
Crowds frozen and surging in the middle of the street in holiday moods forgetting all the backlogs and files. People-people and umbrellas...
Before taking decisions / Suman Pokhrel
In how many minds Should I go crazy? Whom should I ask? Should I continue to hop Like drops That jump up After water Flowing from spout...
I Shall Bid no Farewell
Fell in love with these hearts and this soil these houses, these walls and streets. Living a fraction of time somehow from the fringes of...
Standing in a Market / Suman Pokhrel
Lost in its maze Buried in its sound I’m reading this market-- Listening to its crescendo. -How much is this cock? -No, I’m not going...