Trailers of Death / Dhiraj Rai
I want to live immortal, but this life shows trailers of death time and time again. Do not know, why the gendered flood of tearlessness...

Path / Upendra Subba
I was walking carelessly on my own way, and all at once you happened to arrive, from somewhere not known to block my way. A stranger you...

Dream / Bhishma Upreti
I am nothing but a dream. I visit your eyes and reside there sometimes during daytime and sometimes at night when you are in slumber. I...

Door / Bhishma Upreti
By keeping me inside the room, and closing the door, you imagined- you got me imprisoned. From inside the closed room I thought you are...

News / Dinesh Adhikari
Yesterday, as well as the day before yesterday and further earlier that day and today also, news of killing of too many innocent people...

Picture of Mona Lisa / Manju Kanchuli
I am smiling on half of my eyes while, am crying on the other half I am satiated at half of my heart while, am hungry at the other half...

A Sculptor / Jeevan Acharya
While visiting artifacts around many sculptures I praised those hands. I searched for that brain, that body, or that artist. One of the...

A Piece of Cloud and My Dream / Krishna Pakhrin
When I see you I find you landed above the hill by bending like a piece of sky akin to a folks of thirsty spilornis and getting yourself...